What I can do for you
- Crown Reductions - bringing the height and spread of a tree down to reduce it's overall size
- Crown Lifts - removing lowest branches of a tree
- Pollards - removing all green growth from a tree to leave only skeletal structure
- Deadwood - removing all dead, diseased or dangerous branches from a tree
- Felling - where space allows, cutting a tree from the base and allowing it to fall
- Dismantling - climbing a tree and taking it apart, lowering with ropes as necessary
- Disposal- legal removal of all waste material to waste processing centre. Materials are chipped and used for compost and as fuel for power stations
- Logs - these can be removed as above or cut into suitable lengths for chopping into firewood to save clients costs
- Onsite re-use - for some clients it can be beneficial to stack arisings (pruned material) as habitat piles, or to chip materials onsite for mulch
- Dangerous trees - advice on necessary pruning or removal of any diseased or dying tree
- Tree preservation orders (TPO) - dealing with the local council as your professional advisor
- Disputes - general advice on light issues, high hedges and encroaching branches from neighbouring properties